Nominations are now being accepted for several directorships for the American Association of Women Dentists, a voluntary organization, whose mission is to be “the recognized resource for advancing, connecting, and enriching the lives of women dentists.”
The candidate must be a current AAWD member in good standing with the desire to lead the organization into its next phase of growth and policy leadership. Self-nominations are encouraged.
Prior leadership experience would be beneficial, but is not a necessity. The use of electronic communication and web-based services is essential. Time commitments vary by position; however, there are monthly meetings and two in person meetings. There is a personal financial obligation to serve on the board; however, partial travel reimbursements are available.
Please click on the buttons below to download the nomination form. Complete the nomination form, attach your nominee’s resume, and send all materials to the National Office no later than April 23, 2018. If you are a student who is interested in serving as a Student Representative, please review the document that outlines the requirements and eligibility for that position.
The 2019 Slate of Officers will be announced at the 2018 Annual Conference, which is scheduled for October 5-6, in Savannah, Georgia.
Please contact the AAWD National Office at 800-920-2293 should you have any questions.
Dr. Karyl Patten
AAWD Immediate Past-President and Nominating Committee Chair
Download Nomination Form Download Student Representative Requirements