Keep watching this list for our newest chapters in formation. If you have any questions or wish to start a chapter in your area, call AAWD Headquarters at (800) 920-2293.
AAWD Chapter Presence

How To Start A Local Chapter
Use the AAWD Membership Directory to get started
If you are interested in leading a local chapter near you, you might already have in mind a few dentists who would be willing to join. You can connect with more dentists in your area through our AAWD Member Directory, which is available to all paid members. This directory lists all AAWD members (dentists and current dental students), organized distinctly by each state; it displays member info such as full name, contact e-mail address, city location, and zip code.
- Login to the AAWD Membership portal here:
- Click on the “Membership Directory” tab
- Click on the “Search Users” button to pinpoint a member’s name, city, state, or current chapter.
Please note: in order to utilize this directory, you’ll need your AAWD member log in info for the website, if you have forgotten this info, please contact us via e-mail at
What are requirements to be a local chapter?
There are four main steps to become an official local chapter with AAWD. Once you notified the AAWD National Office or the Director of Membership of your intent to start a local chapter, you will receive an application packet in order to:
- Review the application forms on the previous tab.
- Identify 4 Chapter Officers (must be active members of AAWD)
- Submit your chapter officer roster
- Submit a signed Confidentiality Agreement for all officers
- Submit your local chapter bylaws
- Design and submit an estimated 6-month chapter activity plan
To become an official local chapter, you will need a total of 4 active AAWD members. This includes at least 4-chapter officers in the roles of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers must be local dentists (non-dentists are not allowed to serve as officers).
How many members do we need to have in order to be a local chapter?
There is no set rule. Local chapters can have as little as 4 members or as many as 50+ members. It’s okay to start out small and gain momentum over the years.
What is the #1 Tip in starting a local chapter?
We want to encourage as many as women dentists as possible to start a local chapter, we want our community to grow. The #1 tip would be that the structure of an AAWD local chapter is flexible enough to be adapted in any way that works for you: the chapter can be as big or small as you would prefer, and the dynamic of the meetings hosted by your chapter can vary greatly. We allow you to grow your local chapter, as you deem necessary.
How To Start A Student Chapter
If no local AAWD chapter exists at your school and you would like to help start one, follow these instructions to help get an active chapter up and running.
- Review the application forms on the previous tab.
- Begin by assessing the level of interest of the students and faculty at your school. This can be done via discussions, informal survey, phone calls or e-mails.
- Student chapters must identify and confirm a Faculty advisor from their university to be copied on all chapter events, payments, and communications.
- Create an organizing committee. This committee will be responsible for:
- Drafting chapter bylaws (The National Office has a draft you can use.)
- Initiating a membership drive
- Arrange for a first general membership meeting
- At your first general membership meeting, you should:
- Elect the inaugural Board of Directors
- Vote on the bylaws
- Set up committees
- Determine time, time and place or regular membership meetings.
- Determine amount of Chapter dues (Note: Student dues are $45/year for national dues + cost of chapter dues. First-year students have the option to join for 4 years at $130).
- All chapter members must join AAWD nationally.
- Your Treasurer should establish a checking account for the chapter. The account should be set up in the name of the chapter.
- Collect membership applications and send them in to the National office. An updated list of officers and a chapter roster must be submitted annually.
- Create a social media account! Many student chapters use Facebook Groups and/or Instagram to spread the word about their events.
If you have any further questions, please contact Linda Huval, AAWD Membership Specialist, at or call the National Office at 1-800-920-2293.
Forms & Resources
The following are the chapter documents that must be submitted to the national office at least once annually. If you have any questions regarding updating a chapter, please feel free to contact the national office by telephone at 800-920-2293 or email,