June 1, 2020
The Honorable Martha McSally
United States Senate
404 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
RE: Main Street Enhancement and Safety Act
Dear Senator McSally:
The following professional organization would like to express our appreciation for introducing the Main Street Enhancement and Safety Act (S 3716), which would provide loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for costs related to health and safety supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE). We greatly appreciate you being a leader in recognizing the impact these additional and significant costs – as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – will have on small businesses as they prepare to reopen.
Dentists across the country are beginning to reopen their practices after closing completely or limiting their practice to emergency-only dental care during the pandemic. To protect patients, their staff and themselves from the spread of COVID-19, dentists are implementing enhanced infection control safeguards as called for in the updated Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response.1 Furthermore, many dental procedures generate aerosols – which can increase the risk of virus transmission – making additional infection control measures and PPE essential. The cost of these health and safety efforts will have a considerable economic impact on their businesses.
PPP loans have been a critical lifeline for many dental practices during this time of financial uncertainty and have afforded dentists the ability to retain or rehire their personnel before their practices are operating at full capacity. At the same time, dentists need to provide for their employees’ health and safety. By providing flexibility in how PPP loan proceeds are utilized, your legislation will help dentists to mitigate the increased costs of PPE that will be required to safely return to providing care to patients while also protecting themselves and employees.
Thank you again for your leadership on this important issue facing dental practices. If we can help your efforts, please contact Jeanne Tuerk, manager of government affairs at 800-822-6637, ext. 4321 or jtuerk@aaoms.org.
Academy of General Dentistry American Academy of Dental Group Practice
American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
1 CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response, May 19, 2020